Lightness of Being General Get On Top Of Your Blood Sugar: Friendly Tips For Better Glucose Control By Dr Arun Arora Flushing NY

Get On Top Of Your Blood Sugar: Friendly Tips For Better Glucose Control By Dr Arun Arora Flushing NY

Get On Top Of Your Blood Sugar: Friendly Tips For Better Glucose Control By Dr Arun Arora Flushing NY post thumbnail image

Managing blood sugar levels is key to overall health and wellbeing, whether you have diabetes or just want to maintain optimal health. Keeping blood glucose (or blood sugar) under control can help prevent complications like heart disease or nerve damage. Dr Arun Arora Flushing NY Here are seven soft tips, friendly for everyone, which can assist in improving and maintaining your blood sugar chemistry.

Amp Up Your Activity

Dr Arun Arora Regular physical activity is a surefire way to help lower your blood sugar levels. Exercise helps increase insulin sensitivity, meaning your cells can better use available insulin to absorb sugar from your bloodstream. Whether it’s lacing up for a jog, cycling, or a brisk walk, aim to incorporate at least 30 minutes of moderate activity into your daily routine.

Check Carbs Intake

Carbohydrates, when broken down, morph into sugar, impacting your blood sugar levels directly. Try to maintain a balance in your carbohydrate consumption, focusing on complex carbs like whole grains, legumes, and vegetables. Consider talking to a dietitian to understand better how different foods impact your blood sugar levels.

Size Does Matter: Portion Control

Portion control is key to managing blood sugar levels,according to Dr Arun Arora Flushing NY. Oversized portions can lead to weight gain and higher blood sugar levels over time. Use measuring cups or a kitchen scale to ensure your servings align with recommended sizes.

Fiber: The Friendly Food Factor

Fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining blood sugar levels. It slows down the digestion process and the rate of sugar absorption, helping control spikes in blood sugar. Include a good amount of fiber in your diet through fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Quality Sleep Makes A Difference

Inadequate or poor-quality sleep can disrupt your body’s insulin usage, leading to higher sugar levels. Establish good sleep hygiene habits. Think: regular schedules, a cool and dark bedroom, and leaving electronic devices out of the sleeping space.


Remember, changes don’t happen overnight, but every small step contributes to better blood sugar chemistry. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making significant changes to your health routine. Your body and your blood sugar thank you for the kindness!

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