Lightness of Being Service Nature’s Path To Nixing The Common Cold: Finding Relief Naturally By Dr Faris Abusharif

Nature’s Path To Nixing The Common Cold: Finding Relief Naturally By Dr Faris Abusharif

Nature’s Path To Nixing The Common Cold: Finding Relief Naturally By Dr Faris Abusharif post thumbnail image

The common cold, while generally not serious, can certainly ruin your day or week with its plethora of uncomforting symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and sore throat. While there is no quick-fix cure, certain natural remedies can help you recuperate faster while alleviating cold symptoms.

Hydration Is Key

Befriending your water bottle when a cold is creeping up can help lubricate your throat, alleviate congestion, and prevent dehydration. Infusions like warm lemon water with honey can also soothe a sore throat and act as a natural cough suppressant Dr Faris Abusharif.

Nutritious, Warm Meals

Warm, easy-to-digest foods like chicken soup are not just comfort meals but also beneficial for cold recovery. The hot soup can help thwart congestion, while the nutritious ingredients boost your immune system.

Herbal Allies

Certain herbs, such as Echinacea, are famed natural remedies for the common cold, says Dr Faris Abusharif. Echinacea tea can stimulate the immune system and hasten recovery.

Steamy Solutions

Inhaling steam using a humidifier or a hot shower can help alleviate congestion and cough. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil could further increase these benefits.

Rest And Recovery

Quality sleep helps bolster your immune system, promoting faster recovery. If the cold symptoms make sleep difficult, try using an extra pillow to prop your head and aid mucus drainage from your nasal passages.

Remember, even natural remedies might not suit everyone. Always consult your Dr Faris Abusharif before trying any new treatments.

It’s important to note that the best cure for a cold is, indeed, prevention. Staying healthy involves taking care of your body by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, maintaining good hygiene, and getting enough sleep. So while you brew the tea and whip up the soup to fight the cold, don’t forget to rest and give your body a chance to heal. Stay healthy, stay happy!

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